12/7/25 Brno

Jana Kirschner SK

One of the leading Slovak singers of the last thirty years or so has managed to transform herself from an award-winning pop star into an unclassifiable musical personality who blurs the boundaries between genres and styles. She will be appearing with her band at the first open-air edition of the Groove Brno festival and – taking her cue from one of her most famous songs – she will be bringing Pokoj v duši (Peace in the Soul) to the Saturday programme. Moments of silence and the intimate energy of a strong personality, a deep experience of a slightly different kind than the other performers at Kozí Horka, are guaranteed.

Born in Martin, Slovakia, she made her debut in 1996. Her breakthrough album V cudzom meste (1999) won her a number of music awards and thousands of fans. Pelikán (2002), Veci co sa dejú (2003) and Shine (2007) followed.    

Last year, the Slovak Miss contestant and musician, who has been living in the UK for a long time, completed her transformation with the acclaimed album Obyčajnosti. On this lyrically intimate and musically multi-layered record, Jana Kirschner surrounded herself with a group of outstanding instrumentalists and, under the supervision of renowned producer Eddie Stevens, created a beautiful album that completes the transformation that began with Krajina rovina (2010) and was consolidated by the two albums Moruša: Biela and Moruša: Čierna.

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